Friday, August 19, 2011

How To Reset Your Linux (Fedora) Root Password

Hello all, thanks to view my blog that hasn't updated recently, coz i'm lazy you know.

This is the step how to reset back your root password without reinstalling for format your linux system.

1. On the system boot, some of them are showing the GRUB or LILO boot loader, but some of them just get through to the system without stop at the boot loader screen (*Just enter the "F8" key for entering the boot loader.
2. On the boot loader, Firstly, you must select your linux system (kernel) that you want to boot, and press 'e' key to modify a kernel.

3. Then, you can see the kernel entry, enter a keyword 'single' on the back of the kernel entry.

4. After that, just press enter, and then press 'b' for booting using single user.
5. Now, you can see your computer is going to boot to linux system using prompt.
6. After loading is all complete, you can see that like picture below.

7. Now type the command that i show to you.

     *This is for mount "/proc" and remount "/"     

     [root@fedora]# mount -t proc proc /proc
     (*Maybe for some system, there already mount it.)
     [root@fedora]# mount -o remount, rw /

     Change a root password

     [root@fedora]# passwd
     (*Type your new root password)

     Reboot System

     [root@fedora]# sync
     [root@fedora]# reboot

And that's all.... it's so simple to understand and use it, right?
This is for today... thank you....
Have a nice day you all...