Friday, August 19, 2011

How To Reset Your Linux (Fedora) Root Password

Hello all, thanks to view my blog that hasn't updated recently, coz i'm lazy you know.

This is the step how to reset back your root password without reinstalling for format your linux system.

1. On the system boot, some of them are showing the GRUB or LILO boot loader, but some of them just get through to the system without stop at the boot loader screen (*Just enter the "F8" key for entering the boot loader.
2. On the boot loader, Firstly, you must select your linux system (kernel) that you want to boot, and press 'e' key to modify a kernel.

3. Then, you can see the kernel entry, enter a keyword 'single' on the back of the kernel entry.

4. After that, just press enter, and then press 'b' for booting using single user.
5. Now, you can see your computer is going to boot to linux system using prompt.
6. After loading is all complete, you can see that like picture below.

7. Now type the command that i show to you.

     *This is for mount "/proc" and remount "/"     

     [root@fedora]# mount -t proc proc /proc
     (*Maybe for some system, there already mount it.)
     [root@fedora]# mount -o remount, rw /

     Change a root password

     [root@fedora]# passwd
     (*Type your new root password)

     Reboot System

     [root@fedora]# sync
     [root@fedora]# reboot

And that's all.... it's so simple to understand and use it, right?
This is for today... thank you....
Have a nice day you all...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Install Canon Pixma IP 1900 - 1800 On Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

How To Install Canon Pixma IP 1900 and 1800 ?

   Hello There.... Welcome To My Blog...

I just searching for printer driver for my ubuntu, but *sigh, it to hard... hehe...
I made the some search and found the great things that is the installation driver for my printer...

This is how the things should work... first of all just downloads the printer driver... 

and after that just read the readme.txt and follow the steps...

hope you all have a nice day!!!

p/s : one more things... follow my instruction...
        first of all extract the to the any
        then go to the terminal and type "sudo dpkg -i *deb" at the folder that
        have .deb pakage... and after that just go to the printer preference at
        ("System > Administration > Printing")... and add new printer... after that
        you can print it without problem...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Linux For Old Computer

Dont you think that old pc like this is only can throw away to a museum, or just modified to a PO Box. Dont you want to make old memorial come back to life for once???...

Here's a solution that youre might want to do...
A light os made from linux and not from the windows and mac that dont know about the meaning of light os...

I just test a 3 of light os from all 10 of them...

1. Puppy Linux
        -  very very light linux os, as you know, the os is only use 130MB of CD...
        -  it's formally use for asus eee notebook (i am not sure if it is eepc or

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Install ATI HD 5770 In Linux Fedora 14

Install HD 5770 In Linux Fedora 14 - X86 (32-bit)

How this can be happen?
Although the user want to make it possibly, just follow to this step.

1 -  Download the driver.

2 - Install driver with the following command.

[root@zahid ~]# bash ./

3 - Check the installation result.
Check the /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log file for the result of installation.

4 - Generate initial Xorg configuration file
*You have to generate the initial xorg.conf file which use fglrx as display device

[root@zahid ~]# aticonfig --initial

5 - Reboot
Reboot your computer.

6 - Testing
You can test the new installed driver and get the performance benchmarks for your graphic card using the following command.

[root@zahid ~]# glxgears
[root@zahid ~]# fgl_glxgears

7 - Uninstallation
In case if you mess up with something, you can uninstall fglrx drivers using the following command.

[root@zahid ~]# /usr/share/ati/

Linux Fedora 14

Linux Fedora 14

It's here!  It's here!  It's really here!  Fedora 14 has been
officially released! Fedora is a leading edge, free and open source
operating system that continues to deliver innovative features to many
users, with a new release approximately every six months.

Fedora 14, codename Laughlin, is now available for download.  
To get started with Fedora 14, so simply follow
this link to download it today:

If you want a quick tour of highlights in this release, check out:

For more information including common and known bugs, and tips on how to report
bugs, please refer to the release notes:

You can also find this announcement text at:

=== What's New in Fedora 14? ===

==== For desktop users ====
A universe of new features for end users:

* libjpeg-turbo:  Users can load and save images faster in Fedora 14
than in previous releases.
* Spice: Spice (Simple Protocol for Independent Computing
Environments) provides users with an enhanced remote desktop
experience. Currently, it provides the rudimentary foundation to take
advantage of things like Accelerated 2D graphics, encryption, and
hardware cursor support.

==== For developers ====
For developers there are all sorts of additional goodies:

* D: Fedora 14 introduces support for D, a systems programming
language combining the power and high performance of C and C++ with
the programmer productivity of modern languages such as Ruby and
* Python 2 upgrade: The system python 2 stack has been upgraded to 2.7.
* GNUStep: A GUI framework based of the Objective-C programming
language which is part of the gcc.
* Memory Debugging Tools: The new "gdb-heap" package adds a new "heap"
command to /usr/bin/gdb which allows you to get a breakdown of how a
process is using dynamic memory.
* Rakudo Star: An implementation of Perl version 6, based on the Parrot VM.
* Support for Milkymist: Developers can enjoy developing for
Milkymist, an open hardware embedded board, on Fedora 14. Thanks to
the Fedora Electronic Lab for their work in this regard.

==== For system administrators ====
And don't think we forgot about the system administrators:

* Fedora is now available for users of the Amazon Elastic Computing
Cloud service, released concurrently with the traditional release.
* virt-v2v assists in the easy migration of Xen virtual machines to
KVM virtual machines.
* A Virtualization Technology Preview Repo allows users to test the
very latest developments in virtualization related packages.
* Varnish has been updated and includes improved scalability and a new
log function.
* Apache has been updated and includes a number of module and security fixes.

And that's only the beginning. Updated versions of many packages, as
usual, will be available in Fedora 14. A more complete list with more
details of the new features on board Fedora 14 is available at:

OK, so what are you waiting for?  Go download it!  You know you can't wait.

If you are upgrading from a previous release of Fedora, refer to

In particular, Fedora has made preupgrade a more robust solution and
pushed several bug fixes to older releases of Fedora to enable an easy
upgrade to Fedora 14.

Fedora 14 full release notes and guides for several languages are available at:

Fedora 14 common bugs are documented at:

=== Fedora Spins ===

Fedora spins are alternate version of Fedora, tailored for various
types of users via hand-picked application set or customizations. They
can be found at:

== Contributing Back to Fedora ==

There are many ways to contribute beyond bug reporting.  You can help
translate software and content, test and give feedback on software
updates, write and edit documentation, design and do artwork, help
with all sorts of promotional activities, and package free software
for use by millions of Fedora users worldwide.  To get started, visit today!